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I’m about 11hrs in. There are a lot of parallels to Fallout/NV. Similar speech/dialog checks and trees as well as very similar skill/perk system. Time Dilation (basically slow-motion) is similar to V.A.T.S. and I think I might even prefer it. Story-wise, it seems a little tamer or toned down from your basic Fallout, at least many of the characters you encounter aren’t as memorable this far in to the game.

I’m finding it pretty enjoyable. My main complaints are that even though it is touted as being not a wide game (like FO4), but deep game, I still don’t get the feeling that there is much consequence to dialog options. Additionally, it is too easy out of the gate. You can alter the difficulty of combat and survival aspects, but I don’t think I’ve found an instance where I couldn’t pass a skill check by some means—they will often give you multiple ways to do so. Given all that, it is pretty enjoyable because we don’t get games with those basic mechanics too often, and I do really like stuff like Fallout, Mass Effect, Dragon Age. I truly hope they are starting to focus more on the depth of these games vs. how large the world is.

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