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I've done similar. You firewall your home network to all IP's other than Cloudflare's. You can use a Cloudflare provided certificate for HTTPS - they will MITM and use a trusted cert for outward connections. You can update Cloudflare DNS records via their API - the typical dynamic DNS tools work fine. It works well.

I've always been unable to pull this off completely as I always want a way to SSH into my home network - but maybe there is a better way I can pull off this sort of 'break glass' functionality.

> I always want a way to SSH into my home network

Guacamole (sorta) gives me that. If CloudFlare or nginx or Guacamole have problems then I'm hosed... but I work from home so remote access isn't a huge concern.

And I've got nothing terribly "household critical" at home, just the PiHole needs to be running to keep everyone happy. I do wish that PiHole had an HA solution. I've been tempted to set up a pfSense / pfBlockerNG HA pair but that's a lot of overhead just for DNS.

> I do wish that PiHole had a HA solution

You could run 2 Pi’s or a Pi and a container in another always on machine for example. Then just point your router‘s primary to the Pi and secondary to the other instance.

That's not a terrible solution. I've just been looking at possibly forwarding SSH over WebSocket - then I can put that behind CloudFlare. Latency would however suffer.

> ... want a way to SSH into my home network ...

IMO, using a Tor hidden service is a (damn near) perfect solution for this.

aren't jitter and latency still major problems with this approach? plus connection resets, though maybe long-lived flows are more reliable than I remember, and I suppose you could do multipath (if Tor doesn't handle that already, not sure.)

have you made it work? my Tor career ended in college after running an exit node - no visits from the FBI, just got auto-klined from every IRC server since I was on the list of proxies.

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