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> This is utterly untrue. Not just an incomplete picture or misleading, but an utter falsehood.

Would you be so kind as to elaborate? You are literally stating that something is 'utterly untrue' without supporting rationale. I'm not expecting you to do a peer-reviewed study. Just to explain why you feel this way.

Because there’s absolutely no scientific evidence for this claim. Please share any evidence you have for the claim that a human body will “adapt” to a caloric deficit so well that it will regain the lost weight without calories increasing again.

The statement is essentially that calories consumed are unrelated to weight gain and loss except in the short term after which the body will return to its normal weight no matter what you do. This simply doesn’t make any sense. If this were true people couldn’t starve to death and obesity wouldn’t be a thing. And also the conservation of mass would not be an actual physical law.

The author claimed this was legitimate science, in which case there will be references in the book.

I am avoiding the normal urge to go out and buy the book to verify and share the references to you. But it is something you could easily verify and find for yourself.

Then it should be easy for the thread originator to provide a citation. I’m not willing to buy the book to look for citations I don’t expect to be there. My bet is that the book doesn’t really say what was presented and that it gives a rather more reserved statement about metabolic adaptation.

Thank you for elaborating.

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