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> This is absolutely false.

I'm not saying it's impossible to keep losing weight by calorie restriction beyond 6 months, I'm saying that _sans further calorie restriction_ you don't lose weight.

> Yes, it gets harder to continuously lose weight

This is your body adjusting its basal metabolic rate and you having to implement further calorie restriction to achieve the same benefit.

People aren’t misunderstanding what you’re saying; what you’re saying is just wrong. It may be accurate within a limited range - a few hundred calories/day, perhaps - but is obviously wrong in the limit.

Yeah. To weigh 300 pounds you need to consume so many calories a day.

To weigh 200 pounds, you need to consume a different number of calories.

If you weigh 300 and start eating the 200 pound amount, you will lose weight. Slower over time as the difference between your weight and your consumption becomes less.

Once you reach 200 pounds, you won't continue to lose weight.

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