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They are! Around five years ago I wrote a CSS minifier (creatively called CSSMin, available on GitHub, and still in use at the company I work for) which rewrote the CSS to optimise gzip compression. Although it never really took off, I think that some of the lessons from it have been rolled into some of the more modern CSS optimisation tools.

It's important to understand minimizing does not necessarily produce the most compressible result. You need to give LZ repeating strings as much as possible while using as few different ASCII characters as possible with as unbalanced frequency distribution as possible.

I wrote (well, expanded) a similar tool for compressing Java Class files. I had a theory that suffix sorting would work slightly better because of the separators between fields, and it turned out to be worth another 1% final size versus prefix sorting.

I've found a cheap trick to compress Java software: extract every .jar file (those are zip archives) and compress the whole thing with a proper archiver (e.g. 7-zip). One example from my current project: original jar files: 18 MB expanded jar files: 37 MB compressed with WinRar: 10 MB

And that's just a little project. For big projects there could be hundreds of megabytes of dependencies. Nobody really cares about that...

It's a tradeoff; in a lot of cases, the size of a .jar doesn't really matter because it ends up on big web containers.

It does matter for e.g. Android apps though. But at the same time, the size of the eventual .jar is something that can be optimized by Google / the Android store as well, using what you just described for starters.

I know Apple's app store will optimize an app and its resources for the device that downloads it. As a developer you have to provide all image resources in three sizes / pixel densities for their classes of devices. They also support modular apps now, that download (and offload) resources on demand (e.g. level 2 and beyond of a game, have people get past level 1 first before downloading the rest).

It's true, but this was brought up as an anecdote/parallel.

Attributes in html have no fixed order, and neither do constants in a class file. There are multiple ways to reorder them that help out or hinder DEFLATE.

And also I was compressing the hell out of JAR files because they were going onto an embedded device, so 2k actually meant I could squeeze a few more features in.

There’s a lot of redundancy between class files in Java and zlib only has one feature for that and nobody uses it. It would require coordination that doesn’t really exist.

For transport, Sun built a dense archive format that can compress a whole tree of files at once. It normalizes the constant pool (a class file is nearly 50% constants).

Many Java applications run from the Jar file directly. You never decompress them. But you also only see something like 5:1 compression ratios.

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