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I agree but how do you think this drastic lifestyle change look would look like? The price of emission certificates would be reflected in the products you buy, of course.

That is a huge part of the criticism against a tax for households that are just responsible for 1/5th of emissions and I wouldn't include them in the emission trade at all. Because even today people don't waste significant energy for basic needs like heating, so any instrument can only be that effective.

And corporations are currently the only ones paying for every tonne of CO² they emit. And you want to change that to be extended to everyone... You might argue that they should pay more, but...

Of course people in many political parties are rubbing their hands that you actually want to increase tax burdens. Money solves problems, right?

Looking at how much the top tax brackets (income and corporate) have moved over the last decades, I have an idea where to get the money to solve things. Plus, done like that, it would actually be a relative benefit to lower income tiers. Of course, that would still mean no flights or meat for poorer people, while rich people could afford those luxuries. But they need to be luxuries, at least until we figure out how to provide them in a climate neutral way.

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