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Americans' plastic recycling is dumped in landfills (theguardian.com)
342 points by srameshc on July 28, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 282 comments

Same thing in Italy. In many regions citizens separate waste, and they mix it back into a single landfill to save money or because they're not organized to dispose of it properly.

I'm hoping that applying recent advances in Machine Learning and Robotics we could build better, automated sorting facilities. Or is that being too naive?

It is, sorting could be done for cheap by humans like immigrants, elderly and disabled, it was done by chinese in the past.

It’s a chemistry advance you need to pray for.

This is obvious if you stick around to watch the garbage trucks roll by. The blue and the green bins get dumped right into the truck together.

This is why I'm looking into buying more beverage products that use aluminum cans...they are more recyclable than plastics...

Americans have landfills and Germans recycle and burn the plastic.

Where is all the plastic in the oceans coming from???

From all over the world. Germans cannot recycle most plastics - it's simply not viable at scale at this time. Therefore things are shipped to Asia.

The plastic created and received in Asia often lands in landfills and subsequently in rivers. A handful of major streams transport massive amounts of plastic waste into the Pacific ocean [1].

That's at least where a good chunk of it is coming from. That's how you get US or European plastic running down rivers in China into the Pacific.

[1] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/90-of-plastic-polluti...

Singapore burns it all and turns it into reclaimed land.

nice, over here in my country we just burn it :D good stuff, separating trash to have it re-combined at the burners :D

It is a form of recycling --- in the future, when we run out of other sources of petroleum, we can start mining the plastic we buried. ;-)

Whenever you try and legislate something into existence the consumer is the one who ends up paying the cost.

I think a better method would be to incentivize using a more environmentally responsible product ( glass? ) where applicable. Perhaps a tax break for companies that start taking new initiatives to promote this.

A good example would be soda: being able to fill up a glass container of even your own reusable plastic bottle. Just like many do with water at the grocery. I've often wondered why we don't do this as a society and it ( like many things...) boils down to cost.

Incentivize this cost and it will start happening.

Starbucks has done this with straws, and even their hot and cold cups. It would be great to start seeing others do the same in more areas.

Recycling has little to do with the environment except for the minor factor that transfer trucks will have to drive slightly farther as the close landfills fill up.

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