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It is up to you, you being part of the society and possibly the electorate. "Marriage is between a man and a woman" was a settled matter and so was "Separate but equal" and "three fifth" before that. Until it wasn't.

I think you're reading my position rather uncharitably, and genuinely don't enjoy being likened to a bigot. I absolutely disagree with the notion that the social fictions we call "corporations" are people, but I'm talking within the established legal framework, because that's the context.

If you want to have a discussion about how shit should be done, I'm happy to; I'd just have appreciated being told that's the one we were having before being called out or dinged for wrongthink, thanks...

Just to clarify, I didn't accuse you of wrongthink or tried to frame you as supporting the "personhood" of corporations. I just think you're wrong about it "not being up to you" and it being a "settled matter".

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