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Angus King and His 10 Principles of Effective Leadership (makesomethinghappen.net)
16 points by bmaier on May 16, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This actually looked like a good list. I'm doing some of the items, but I really need to work on building a team. My current partner is dead weight.

To state your comment more effectively, you should have said, "My current partner would make a most excellent boat anchor."

As albertcardona mentioned, it's always best to remain positive when you're in a leadership position.

Another good point. After thinking it over, he'd make a much better buoy than an anchor. He is a man of rather grand stature.

I still don't think I'm doing this right. Another opportunity for growth is in front of me.

Speaking badly of people, i.e. in a non-constructive way, is not a leader-like feature.

Always constructive, please.

Thanks for your helpful comment. I obviously have many opportunities to grow as a leader.

"10 principles of effective leadership"? Really?

What crap! Who is voting this up? I want my story-downvote feature!

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