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Interesting. And not anecdotical at all to me. Because due to "shrooms" in the night of New Year´s Eve of either 1997,1998 or 1999 I experienced something very similar. Anyways, long story short: The setting wasn't ideal for me, i took them rather reluctantly, and felt rather pressured to be there at all. For about half an hour nothing (that i could percieve) happened (to me), then i noticed i had some sort of X-ray-vision into my arms and hands, blueish, not to the bone only, but with moving tendons and muscles. Rather funny at the moment. Then something happened. I heard a really high pitched sound, like in the first three seconds of "Cambodia" from Kim Wilde for example combined with the visual (hallucination) of the effect when one turns an old TV off like shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLdaqWu3mA0 But in REVERSE! It felt like i could suddenly see all around in every direction at the same time from the middle of a sphere onto it's inner side. Which was tiled in hexagonal honeycombs, which i KNEW it was impossible, because i remember remembering something about footballs which need not only hexagons, but pentagons also. So i've been in the "Filmtisch (/ movie cutting table?)" of my whole life, where every single hexagon contained a scene of my past, which i could rewind/forward/skip, view from any point i'd like, and even change a little to see what could have been different. It was awesome. Really. And where you say undulating i said mirage/shimmering heat because that is like what it looked to me, except when i focused on one, then it became crystal clear. And then it was gone, i felt feverish, thirsty and very groggy. Anyways, since i'm rather skeptical i tried to remember where my subconsciousness could have gotten the template for this escherian hexagonally tiled inner sphere, but the only thing i could come up with is the end sequence of a movie called "The Lawnmover Man" from 1992, where a captured AI tries to break out into the worldwide net from a sphere in which every hexagon represented a link out of it. But it is not really the same, not at all.

I figure the writer of the movie had a similar trip which had honeycomb patterns everywhere and he chose to integrate it into his story, looking for his own significance for it. It's too common for it to be a coincidence in that context.

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