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Is "forge" a well known term in this context? What does it mean exactly? A web based git host that adds collaboration features like issues and pull requests? Seems like that from the context but I've not seen the term before.

Isn't that the beauty of language? Communicate meaning through words. I agree that the word "forge" might not be defined as "a source host that adds collaboration features like issues and pull requests", however you have to admit that the word captures that meaning fairly well. What other word could be used to communicate the same meaning? Hub? Bucket? Lab? Hut? It could very well be a nod to SourceForge, but the idea of a software forge captures well, in my opinion, the kind of services that those websites offer.

Probably a reference to the granddaddy of these kind of sites, Source Forge.

This article has no citations for the history/use of the term. It was largely written by a single editor over a decade ago.

> over a decade ago

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Also: https://www.computerweekly.com/blog/Open-Source-Insider/What...

That's exactly the kind of article that gets written from a page on Wikipedia.

Furthermore the "definition" they provide is something they came up with; a Google search for portions of the definition only returns results for the article itself.

Then your Google isn't my Google. If the definition is used on sr.ht[0], then it's pretty much galvanized. Not to mention that I've heard it used that very way over the decades that I've been in software development.

[0] https://meta.sr.ht

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18458908 people are using the term 3 months ago

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