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We gotta stop saying 'FAANG' when MSFT is the arguably the top tech company around these days.

Not disagreeing with you (not informed enough to), but top tech company by what measure? Market valuation? Impact of products/services in 2018/2019? Workplace rating?

I’ve always felt that Microsoft fits in with GFAA much better than Netflix.

It seems FAANG has transcended its original meaning from being an acronym to becoming a generalized word for "any highly traded growth tech stock"

Yeah FAANG definitely has that connotation in finance rather than being an acronym suggesting the top tech companies

Okay, but repeatedly making this point in this thread is derailing conversation. Does it really matter that much? Were you unaware of the parent comment's point being made because MSFT isn't represented?

Amazing that this has-been company is so desperate to inflate its reputation that it posts such laughable conjecture on Hacker News.


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