A few of us are catching up to shoot the breeze arising from this HN Offer
Where: Match Bar and Grill, 279 Little Lonsdale St, corner of Swanston, Melbourne
When: 3 November, 5:30pm onwards
It's short notice, but hope to see you there. Should be a great chance to meet like-minded
people and get feedback on ideas and startups. I'm on 0433 507 750 if you need to track us down.
Please upvote to bring this to people's attention.
[edit: thanks guys, hitting the front page should be sufficient]
http://thehive.org.au/ Monthly networking for entrepreneurs, with a guest speaker who talks about their startup. The podcast from the session with Steve Sammartino from Rentoid.com has some interesting anecdotes on how he publicised his startup.
http://siliconbeachaustralia.org/ Fortnightly meetups to discuss tech startup ideas (the Melbourne website is broken, so I am not sure if this is still happening).
http://www.tedxmelbourne.com/ (November 20th) TEDxMelbourne is an independently organised TED-like event under license from TED.com
http://www.ruxcon.org.au/ (November 20th, and 21st) Ruxcon is the premier technical security conference in Australia. Like Defcon, but held in Australia.
http://groups.google.com/group/mclbb (first Tuesday of the month. Next one is on November 9th due to the Cup Day public holiday) Interesting technical talks held at lunchtime in. The next ones are on Hadoop and Python games.
http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/440359/ Melbourne Association of Software Testers (last Wednesday of the month) Monthly meetup at Beer DeLuxe to talk about software testing and related topics (and drink beer). Some Agile testing enthusiasts guaranteed to be at each meeting.
http://trampolineday.com/ (next one is expected to be sometime around March 2011) Trampoline is a self-organising un-conference for those who find the world interesting, have something to offer and share, and have an inquisitive mind.
Hopefully this comment is not too off-topic for Melbourne-based readers. I have already met several of the commenters from this HN story at some of these events. If you have any more, please post them in a reply to this comment.