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Does this mean you could be tested for the specific gene?

About 20% of the human genome is endogenous retroviruses. We've all got them, and there is significant evidence that they become more active in old age, and may be a factor in dementia and other illnesses.

Fact check: It's more like 5-8% according to Wikipedia. Still a significant number.


What do you mean may be a factor in dementia? What other illnesses? Does this link in with insulin resistance and type three diabetes at all?

Yes. Make a primer that matches the inside of the retrovirus, and another that matches the genome outside it in this particular location. Use them to do PCR on a sample of DNA. If you get a band, you have the retrovirus in that location.

Sounds that way to me: they're looking at a specific uncommon HK2

If they coun't how would they be able to make their claims?

I could see difficulties if there were multiple copies in different places or some such that would make a naive test non-diagnostic.

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