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It's very easy to find the current stack of running syscalls and how long they take using perf [0]. In fact, a flame graph will give you a wonderful way to visualize this [1].

I could go on and on about perf, but there's no reason since Brendan Gregg's page is so darned good. Just read that, play around with the perf cli, find the answers to all your questions... Well, all of them except how to cause that syscall to error out.

There's no simple way to force an in-progress syscall to error out as far as I know. If any one else knows of a simple way, I'd be curious to hear of it.

[0]: http://www.brendangregg.com/perf.html [1]: http://www.brendangregg.com/perf.html#FlameGraphs

Very cool. I'm trying to start with:

perf stat -e 'syscalls'

but haven't figured out how to specify all events... if that's even the right route. The examples that are close dont work for me: https://bpaste.net/raw/455ebe2dd400

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