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[dupe] Orbital Space Debris Caught for the First Time (vice.com)
8 points by oedmarap on Sept 25, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Title is a bit misleading. The company sent up the cubesat "debris" along with their net for testing purposes. I guess that does make it space debris. If their net had failed, it would have been yet another piece of junk orbiting - but the the net effect was zero cleanup. It was a successful test.


>>> The mission involves deploying these cubesats as artificial space junk and them capturing them to demonstrate the effectiveness debris removal technology.

It picked up trash that it released. It did not intercept trash. It grabbed a conveniently placed and engineered object with virtually identical orbital parameters.

How is this different than capturing real trash, minus some extra Δv to match orbits?

(1) Finding the trash, targeting it with sensors. (2) Irregular shape/rotation of trash. (3) Trash with sharp edges.

If you're intersted in the orbital debris problem, I reccomend Nasa's site: https://orbitaldebris.jsc.nasa.gov

We're a messy species: oceans, atmosphere and space. But we do have a conscience, and we are creative, so maybe there's hope.

This has little to do with anyone's conscience, and more to do with our fear of Kessler syndrome.

You're right, sadly: I guess I was anthropomorphizing us ;)

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