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I've spent semi-serious time in Portland and have to say that it really seems to live up to the hype. I really like Portland.

I've only spent a week or so there but I was similarly impressed. Limiting the sprawl and repurposing their old buildings saved them from turning into another strip mall & freeway American dystopia.

I'm a little concerned about the migration of tech hipsters to Portland though. Californian expats have this nasty habit of turning their refuges into exactly what they fled.

It rains all the time here in Oregon. It's overrated.

This isn't the city you're looking for. Move along ... move along.

How do you rate Seattle and Vancouver?

I think he was being facetious.

Perhaps. <grin>

Actually, the entire NW sucks. Rains all the time. Heck, it's even raining on me right now in the desert of Central Oregon where it's never suppose to rain.

But seriously, after living in the Bay Area for 10+ years -- I ain't movin' back after living in the Pacific NW.

Just have to ask: did you spend it in portland, or in a nearby suburb? I spent a week there just to see if I liked the city, couldn't get over the lack of diversity (felt like a lone brownie in strawberry-shortcake city), high income taxes, and seeming lack of a tech scene (unless you're in the burbs). It's a beautifully laid out area though.

> high income taxes

Must have been an exciting week. (Anyway, you'd need to compare the whole tax burden, since there's no sales tax.)

Portland has most of the benefits of San Francisco with all of the drawbacks of Seattle. As gray as SF is, I don't understand how anybody lives in Seattle or Portland without committing suicide from the lack of sun.

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