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If you are an artist drew something for work while employed by Zynga, they will not pay you any royalties. I say good riddance.

If you are employed then in most cases not; if you are a contractor it depends on the case by case basis.

But I don’t see a problem with this anyone who’s employed exchanges the ownership of their production in exchange for a reliable stream of income.

Let’s forget artists for a second if you develop an app should I be allowed to copy it and sell it as my own?

> Let’s forget artists for a second if you develop an app should I be allowed to copy it and sell it as my own?

I'd say yes and yes with one condition. You may not modify the app and sell it as unmodified. You may not claim that I authorized you to make changes when I have done no such thing. This is just my opinion and not how the law works today. I anal.

Are you offering a license for other people to profit of you work without any exchange? If so please put it in writing and attach it to all your work.

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