There's only so many different ways of funding open source software development, and we selected one that wouldn't have us struggle for grants or VC money every other year. The funding of open source infrastructure is a huge problem. @jbenet did a great in-depth podcast with YC: (transcript included)
But you can't help if others put a high value on it. It's kind of the definition of the market that others put a value on it.
If anything, you did the ICO the "right" way, even if I didn't like the fact that you excluded it to official investors. But that's an issue with the SEC laws as the way they're written - not you or jbenet.
My biggest hope is that you all continue working on both, IPFS core, and Filecoin. And secondarily, reduce memory footprint with IPFS itself. It's still gobbley - cause I'd like to be able to get a /bt/mac/ node available for serving locally via BTLE.