Which refers to iZotope Ozone, that audio mastering software. Normally you would put in one or two timeseries (that is a mono or stereo audio file where the y axis is amplitude).
In this case the audio is mono, and you're looking at a short time fourier transformation (STFT) with the parameters as in the description, where the height is de magnitude of the frequency bins, and the Y axis (from right to left in the video) is frequencies from low to high, in logarithmic scale as is standard in audio.
Which refers to iZotope Ozone, that audio mastering software. Normally you would put in one or two timeseries (that is a mono or stereo audio file where the y axis is amplitude).
In this case the audio is mono, and you're looking at a short time fourier transformation (STFT) with the parameters as in the description, where the height is de magnitude of the frequency bins, and the Y axis (from right to left in the video) is frequencies from low to high, in logarithmic scale as is standard in audio.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3G2eHEnt7c here it is used on some music