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Moscow Metro map redesign (took almost 4 years) (artlebedev.com)
12 points by cgbystrom on July 30, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

At initial viewing it looks very very awkward. However, I enjoy the circle in the middle, it gives you a quick point of reference once you've seen the map a few times.

The map on the bottom, of what the Metro map could look like in 100 years is just downright frightening.

> "is just downright frightening."

The most frightening part is that while we see European and Asian powers investing heavily in mass transit infrastructure, there is basically zero chance any American city will develop a mass transit system like this in the next 100 years.

Or maybe it's just my gripey Seattle side.

Heh. By the time we finish light rail we'll all be retired. (Backstory: I'm still at university.)

Hopefully, in 100 years, a printed map of the entire system would have long since been replaced by mobile apps and well-designed trip kiosks.

There's a already an iPhone app that shows you the metro map, your current position on it and the shortest route to you destination.

That doesn’t make good maps any less useful, though. Sure, probably not on paper.

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