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Exactly my thoughts;

One way to further "secure" this would be to run the VPN client on a hardware router like pfSense (instead of directly on your laptop) and block all incoming connections on the vpn client tunnel interface?

A disadvantage of this method would be that the WIFI signal from your Laptop to the router is no longer secured by the Vpn...

That's how I do VPN. I have my ISP connected router, then a DMZ network with my test servers & three routers: 1) guest, 2) main, 3) VPN. I then use a virtual LAN from (2) to (3) over a virtual interface on (2) to connect to (3) which is NAT'd. Honestly though, the whole advice of "get a VPN to be secure" is ridiculous because it can end up exposing you far more than what you were previously, especially if you are running a VPN client on a host that is running a media client / server like Plex, Kodi, WinAmp, iTunes (Bonjour), etc. If you are a developer and using The Fiddler, Charles Proxy, or the Burp Suite, then there's an easy route to the rest of your internal network. I know the first time I was on a VPN and saw someone on the VPN come through my interception proxy it freaked me out enough to instantly understand the dangers of VPN services.

It's more effective to block what you want on your host firewall and not rely on the the network to keep you safe.

"Processing in hardware", meaning application specific hardware acceleration, is a not a plus in security related things: it's not safer, and it doesn't exist in most boxes, and it's often impossible to field upgrade when bugs are found. It's done to speed things up/lower cost at large scale, but that's irrelevant for consumer/small office gear.

>It's more effective to block what you want on your host firewall and not rely on the the network to keep you safe.

I agree and am a big fan of host firewalls and host intrusion prevention systems, however, they must of course cover the VPN tunnel in their scope. In many cases they do not.

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