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> Go at it's heart is a pretty basic game, just tricky combinatorics.

This goes for every turn based game and a lot of card games as well.

If you just had perfect memory you'd be a formidable chess and cards player.

in a way, life is just a simple game with tricky combinatorics, and fairly trivial to attack with the tools of unsupervised learning.

Life isn't simple in the way these games are. The choices you have in life aren't clear, and neither is what will happen once you make them.

Plus, these games are deterministic, whereas everything in life is a stochastic process.

Only because you lack information.

Actually at the lowest level there's this whole quantum business that says exactly otherwise.

That is unlikely to affect the microscopic world. The physics of everyday life are deterministic, no need to invoke quantum mechanics.

GGGP didn't do that, they made a link with chaos theory and that's decidedly not deterministic.

And I think you meant to say 'macroscopic'.


And yes, I did mean macroscopic, sorry.

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