Making desktop apps might be a nice lifestyle business for niche segments, but there aren't many (any?) big businesses built on desktop apps any more. Microsoft and Adobe are doing well on the desktop, churning out new versions of apps they've been building for nearly 30 years, but I can't think of any company built in the last 10 years (at least) that came up that way.
If you can't think of any companies that have built significant desktop apps recently, you're just not looking. I don't even get how this is an argument. "Well I haven't personally installed a native app recently, so obviously they're unimportant."
You know what's never going to go out of fashion? Performance. Especially since CPU speeds have stalled in the last decade. you will never get good performance if your design is: "embed an entire browser, and then use a small piece of it"
In the meantime, here's one of those "web-based unicorns" you so despise: