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It all looks interesting, but I still don't see the advantage over pure Lambda? I get that it is a one command deployment, but really at the end of the day, does it save much time over zipping up my Node working folder and uploading to Lambda via the console? (In terms of installing extra framework stuff on my dev PC)

- it should make easier to replicate Lambdas to different AWS Regions or to use different stages (development, testing, production, ...)

- allows running of lambda functions locally, which significantly speeds up development

- provides you with a full production-ready environment (CloudFront + S3 + API Gateway + Lambda + ...) out of the box

What if you want to automate a build/deployment?

Ok, I see the logic if you want to set up some sort of continuous automation pipeline. From reading the documentation, it looks like this sets up a whole suite of services for a deployment, including CloudFront etc.? Anyone got a sample of a real world deployment using this framework? Any nasty hidden surprises in AWS billing that you've experienced by doing so? (Not snarky - asking out of actual interest)

> Any nasty hidden surprises in AWS billing that you've experienced by doing so?

- just a few cents of S3 Storage (if you're out of the free tier) to host versioned Lambda deployment packages - which will expire automatically anyway.

- in production, by default, dawson creates an AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) WebACL which cost ~5$/mo. You can opt out this behavior if you don't need one.

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