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Is writing ℅ instead of % some kind of meme? I'm seeing it everywhere all of a sudden, but I can't imagine you can type such an obscure character by accident and so frequently. Wondering if I'm not getting the joke, or if it's some kind of obtuse political or technical statement about something.

At least some Android keyboards (Gboard) put % and ℅ near each other on the same symbol page, and it's easy to mistake one for the other if you don't look closely.

They are on opposite sides of the keyboard, but on the same symbol page. But yeah, if you aren't looking closely, it's very easy to hit the wrong one. Surprised this hasn't been noticed by the Gboard team yet.

I can't understand why the c/o sign would be considered important enough to go on a phone keyboard, let alone on the same page as percent. Do people often write c/o? I might write it on a physical letter once or twice a year. Is it a cultural thing somewhere?

And then again, if people need to write c/o they could actually write... c/o.

Exactly that, I posted from my phone.

On my keyboard at least, if I long press % it uses the other one, and it's hard to notice when proofreading.

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