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SENATOR Jack Handey

Jack Handey is an actual person, the writer of the one-liners GP refers to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Handey (I'm not sure if he recorded the voiceover performance or not). Al Franken is a different actual person who also worked on Saturday Night Live and who is now a US Senator.

Handey also wrote and narrated “Deep Thoughts” and “Fuzzy Memories” for the show.


..? Jack Handey != Al Franken

Without checking the interweb, isn't Stuart Smalley == Al Franken?

Al Franken - Real person, writer and cast member on SNL, Senator.

Stuart Smalley - Character played by Al Franken.

Jack Handey - Real person, writer on SNL, did Deep Thoughts voiceovers.

Yes, that was one of his more notable characters.


I'm pretty sure they are the same person. Lookup Al Franken.

You're right. I'm mixing up Stuart Smalley and Jack Handey.

No. Jack Handey is the name of a real comedian and he read his own stuff on SNL.

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