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Canada has immigration and laws and will deport people. They aren't particularly fast or efficient about it, but don't spread false rumors that you don't need a Visa to live here. Further for off-continent arrivals the information is shared with the US in exchange for lesser restrictions at the US/Canada land border.

Undocumented workers specifically are a problem not because we don't want immigration - but because they are at risk of abuse by their employer.

> Canada has immigration and laws and will deport people.

Eh, technically, yes. But like anti-sodomy laws in many states in the US, they are rarely applied. Canada does not have a problem with immigration, "legal" or otherwise, no matter what the "laws" say.

Open borders is a human rights issue and Canada is on the right side of history. They do not preference their own citizens over other people, just because of where they were born or what nationality they are. Canada is compassionate to all people and a model for the United States.

> Undocumented workers specifically are a problem not because we don't want immigration - but because they are at risk of abuse by their employer.

Agreed, that's why I suggested undocumented immigrants just forge their papers; that's how it's done in the US and at least in California, works pretty well and tends to keep employers more honest.

Ideally Canada should just automatically give any undocumented worker (and their family) whatever papers/status necessary to make their de facto immigration to Canada legal, so they can stop being abused by their employer (and anyone else). Perhaps by setting up a center or something that undocumented workers can go to to get legal sanction. (California does something similar—anyone can get a valid drivers license here without any gov't papers.)

In fact, Canada not already just giving undocumented workers full rights and legal papers could reasonably be considered to be a human rights violation, since by not doing so, they are enabling inevitable abuse by Canadian employers. Same with visa grants, Canada IMO should just abolish visas entirely and let anyone who can get to Canada in, with full papers on arrival. It's probably some shit arrangement with the US gov't that's preventing them from doing so, now that I think about it.

I'm sure that over time, Canada will repeal all laws preventing foreigners from immigrating to Canada, establishing quotas, wait-lists, or anything else that takes away anyone's right to immigrate to Canada if they want to. Maybe even faster now that Trump is pissing everyone off in the US.

Like ending slavery, fully unrestricted open borders can't come soon enough. Future generations will judge us accordingly that we did not do so sooner, and at least Canada is on the right side of history, even if their laws have to catch up a bit to their hearts.

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