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If you're going to quote statistics to the tenth of a percent, you should also be very comfortable using terms like minority, majority, and plurality appropriately. This doesn't undermine your position at all, or the fact that Trump won the election fairly as the process is defined. Why argue it? It just makes you look unreasonable and needlessly argumentative.

I get your point of not being argumentative. I wonder why HN doesn't show up and down votes. Would be easier to let go of a position if HN would show the actual support of both sides, instead of people replying with the schoolyard "no, you are".

I think the reason the up and down votes aren't shown publicly is so people don't focus on the votes so much. It shouldn't be a game. I can see how it might be useful.

I've thought about the utility of making flagging (for uncivil, unsubstantive comments) the only way to dim comments. I think people want to be able to express agreement and disagreement separate from whether they think the comment is worthwhile or not, though admittedly the disagreement part is harder to distinguish honestly. In that case seeing the vote count would be useful. I don't know. It's hard to predict how community behavior would change as a result, and whether it would be for the better.

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