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Quel niveau d'ignorance?

Il y a aucune haine, il y a seulement des faits

Maybe that's why a lot of immigrants (or even the natives that speak English) leave Quebec as soon as they can.

Puisque tu insiste...


    Self-delusions of grandeur of Quebeckers are funny.
What does this article have to do with "Quebeckers"? If you had frequented any of the mentioned universities you would know they are full of foreign students, especially so in the graduate programs. 150 hackers != the whole province.

    Too bad they can't attract talent and can't use the ones
    they attracted there
You are self-contradicting. Google just opened an AI lab there[0], and it wants to turn Montreal into a "super-cluster of AI knowledge"[1]. Nobody is affirming that Montreal is the only place where AI research is going on. They're merely pointing out that recent investments and research base are putting it in a very good position worldwide. Is that false?

    Montreal is a great city but gets dragged down by the
    French Quebec BS
What does "French Quebec" have to do with this story? Did you flip out because you saw some accented characters?

You hate French speaking Québécois, for your own personal reasons. Keep it to yourself. It has no place here (an anywhere, really). I'm glad that your brand of instinctive Quebec hate is not very popular amongst the general population.

Ignorance crasse.

[0]: https://www.wired.com/2016/11/google-opens-montreal-ai-lab-s... [1]: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-institute-le... [2]: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/microsoft-...

I may have been too harsh, but there are issues that merit discussion

> What does this article have to do with "Quebeckers"? If you had frequented any of the mentioned universities you would know they are full of foreign students, especially so in the graduate programs

Because it overly emphasizes the importance of Montreal in the DL area. It really sounds like someone exaggerating it, but it could be only a PR piece.

Having 150 research students is important, but having an industry to support that is essencial. Do you think the 150 will be hired by the new Google lab?

> They're merely pointing out that recent investments and research base are putting it in a very good position worldwide. Is that false?

Not false. But we'll see what comes out of it.

> What does "French Quebec" have to do with this story?

You're saying that companies have no issues with Loi 101? (for those who don't know - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charter_of_the_French_Language )

You believe that Quebec hasn't shot itself in the foot with all the separatist BS? Not even the Bank of Montreal HQ is not in Montreal.

> You hate French speaking Québécois

Absolutely not, I even like them better in a lot of aspects to people from other parts of Canada (maybe the Vancouverites are nicer, though)

But (some of them) do have racist attitudes towards foreigners, even towards the French

Which boils down to: will the graduates from those Deep Learning programs manage to stay in Montreal? Or they will have to go somewhere else for jobs?

    separatist BS
So millions of people who feel strongly about things you don't agree with is bullshit? You might have been too harsh, but you are not helping your case.

The city's aiming high. Some people there have a dream. And all you can do is bash them and denigrate them and tell us how their (in some cases actually very reasonable) political opinions will bring their demise. Should they just not even try? I don't understand your logic.

BTW, it was obviously a PR piece. At least we agree on that :)

> So millions of people who feel strongly about things you don't agree with is bullshit?

Just ask yourself what were the consequences of the referendum, even if the separatists lost.

I do think some of their ideas (associated with separatists) make sense, but pushing for separatism has never helped the province.

And yes, the city of Montreal knows better than the rest of QC fortunately

"Puisque tu insistes..."

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