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Not to argue with the rest of the work insanity in your comment, but perhaps teachers should be paid as much or more than software developers - they might just have that part right.

I am more behind that idea that I can express!! In the USA especially, the amount of money teachers make should be criminal. The rest of the world should be laughing in our faces every day at how stupidly we treat our education system. I am genuinely surprised we even have teachers at this point, and I come from a family of teachers.

That being said, I was a white, foreigner, part-time English teacher in Taiwan. I had an actual Taiwanese teacher that worked full time with me teaching the classes that made less per month. I had Chinese English-teacher friends that made less than me. Foreign teachers typically teach in "buxibans," or "cram-schools," a remarkably profitable industry that soaks up absurd tuitions from the Taiwanese upper class parents so that their kids can be exposed to a native English speaker for a couple hours every day.

Chinese culture in general does have a much higher respect for Teachers, but you'll still make more money as an engineer.

EDIT: I rant a lot. My actual reply should be - technically engineers do make more than teachers in taiwan, just not more than foreign English teachers. Foreign engineers pull the same salaries they would back home - i.e. like 500% more than their Taiwanese counterparts.

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