I don't know, all I see is a goverment that tries to perpetuate the old system, only with their people in place. The recent TV spectrum fiasco is a good example. A SYRIZA-friendly construction mogul got a large loan to bid on a license, with no real guarantees except from a pasture whose ownership wasn't even clear. The subsequent findings showed that the bank essentially gave him "free" loans ever since SYRIZA came into power and put their people into various positions in the bank.
The entire system is fucked, and I would consider booting everyone out of the parliament and becoming an EU protectorate a better option for the future of Greece, austerity or no austerity.
The entire system is fucked, and I would consider booting everyone out of the parliament and becoming an EU protectorate a better option for the future of Greece, austerity or no austerity.