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Show had so much potential, all when down the drain in season 2.

Care to elaborate on what you didn't like about S2?

I enjoyed most of season 1, but started to get turned off by the philosophy/politics towards the end and kind of stopped paying attention.

Now I'm seeing people say S2 is more critical of the characters and explores the ideas in some more interesting ways, which has pretty much convinced me to start watching again.

You're the first I've seen who specifically didn't like S2.

Season 1 had a clear goal, to hack E Corp to collapse banks, every chapter was about hacking E Corp, it was a little more simple.

Season 2 is slow, not as exciting, and who knows what the goal is, maybe to survive after the hack, maybe something that will be revelead in the last season episode that only Mr. Robot knows, still, it is more slow paced, and tries to over analise the complicated behavior of the characters. IMHO,Elliot's double personallity should have ended in season 1. Another thing is that despise the collapse of the banks, the series doesn't show an apocalyptic world, everything is just like season 1, like if nobody cares about the collapse.


Every character is overcomplicated, Elliot with his double personallity, Angela with her ackwardness, Darlene a control freak, White Rose a time freak, and so on, and every damn character always has a monologue, it gets boring, it tries to hard and there is little substance in the story.

The first chapters of a book seldom give you the resolution at the end, here you are complaining that the first chapters of season 2 don't.

If you have such a short attention span that you need something to shock you into continuing the show, perhaps television like this isn't for you.

Season one ends with a lot of momentum. Season two starts very slow, for good reason. It doesn't stay that way.

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