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Amazon Customer Service
14 points by metra on April 2, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
In a word: wow. I just got off the phone with Amazon customer service. It's 10:15 PM.

I called about a UPS Package that couldn't be delivered because I hadn't specified the apartment number. Since the package had already shipped, the Amazon rep said it was out of Amazon's hands.

I though I'd have to re-phone UPS and face it's automated machine. I was wrong. The Amazon rep said he'd conference call UPS with me on the line. In less than 15 seconds we were on the phone with a live UPS rep and I was clarifying the address.

The whole process took less than two minutes. This is some of the best customer service I have ever seen. Thank you, Amazon.

A package of mine got lost in the mail, and they overnighted a replacement -- cause they're awesome.

What I like about their service also is that you tell them to call _you_. No waiting, no hassle.

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