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CloudApp is live (getcloudapp.com)
20 points by johnthedebs on April 2, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 26 comments

Everything shared on this service (by default, any screenshot a user takes) is mapped to a three character URL. In other words, it would be easy to download everything ever shared using this app. People will not realize this and soon there will be complete archives of every screenshot any CloudApp user has ever taken available on BitTorrent.

Some screenshots that were auto-shared will have sensitive info in them and there will be a massive privacy backlash.

Same thing goes for http://tinygrab.com/. I browsed through some screenshots once and I saw a scanned cheque...

The register page could use a short "Enter your email and desired password" somewhere on the form. I clicked the link and thought I was at the login page (with login being highlighted in black at the top right).

Or just something to make clear that it's the register page and not the login page (I thought the blue register button was a link to take me to the real registration page).

I'm usually pretty good with these things, but I got thrown for a loop at first.

I agree. It took me 30s to figure out what was going on, and I run a web startup.

Color me confused. I signed up, downloaded the app (Mona Lisa?) and it's running (I see a blue cloud in my menu bar). I tried dragging/dropping an image on top of it expecting it to upload.... nada. Tried dragging the Cloud.app file to the dock and then dropping an image on that.... nada. What am I missing?

Set your login info in the preferences (from the menu bar icon), then you should be able to DnD to the menubar icon, or use the shortcut set in the preferences.

Clicking and/or right-clicking the menu bar icon yields no menu. It doesn't even highlight in blue like when I click other menu bar icons. Should it be doing something when I click on it?

I'm getting the same thing. Tried redownloading/reinstalling and no love. Had to 'killall Cloud' to even get the thing out of my menubar...

I'm seeing a menu when I click on it:


They did just launch, maybe hit up the site for some contact/support info?

If you're interested in putting stuff in Dropbox by just dragging it to an icon as shown here, check out this:

Dropbox Droplet http://wiki.dropbox.com/DropboxAddons/Dropbox%20Droplet

Needs to be somewhat polished but it works!

To make this work somewhat seamlessly, check out DropZone. It's a pretty cool mac app that allows all sorts of stuff to happen around drag and drop.


(It has a Dropbox extension as well)

After playing for a few minutes I'm very impressed with this, and I could easily see it becoming an essential part of my workflow.

In short, one keyboard shortcut will give you a shortened URL to share whatever you're currently dealing with. For example, if I select a file in the Finder and hit the shortcut, it's uploaded to my account and a link is automatically added to my copy/paste buffer. If it's a web page, just the URL is shortened and placed in the buffer. There are a bunch of plugins ("Raindrops") to decide what to do in each case, with included ones covering the basic Apple apps (iTunes, Finder, Safari) and extra ones for things like Chrome, Aperture and Photoshop.

The whole thing is presented gorgeously.

Agreed, I think the best part of it is how well it stays out of the way!

History, download counts, and web access to uploaded files sweeten the deal.

Very very cool, I just signed up, but I'd feel a hell of a lot better about the URLs for uploaded files if they were big, opaque UUIDs instead of short URLs.

The idea behind the short URLs is probably to encourage sharing (like via Twitter).

Why would you prefer longer URLs?

To prevent stuff like this, I guess:


Ah, I see.


It was extremely unintuitive to figure out how to delete files (you have to hover over the icon, and an x will appear).

Not sure if they had a part in this, but I found it through MetLab Design's founder/CEO: http://twitter.com/awilkinson/status/11446214489

MetLab: http://www.metalabdesign.com/

This looks very similar to Droplr (http://droplr.com/). Has anyone used both? Does either one have a killer feature that the other is missing?

Does this have permissions? Or is it intended to be open-sharing? The landing page is not clear.

So is there a Linux version?

boringgggggg - does anyone get new ideas anymore?



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