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Not Einstein. It's never Einstein. The greatest tragedy in life is to misquote Einstein.


  "The greatest tragedy in life is to misquote Einstein."
  	--Albert Einstein

That was an incredibly insightful QI.

Helps even more if you've some idea what was going on in education, economics, and industry through this period as well.

On Education let me quote a popular writer from my place , Kamala Surayya (Madhavikutty) -

"I feel formal education here makes mediocrity's out of everybody. I don't think any genius can survive caught in the machine of formal education. It works like a bulldozer with which everybody is brought to a low level. They won't tolerate brilliance, they won't tolerate independent thinking. I don't believe that one can be a pundit, great scholar, by digesting what other scholars have written. I think we must find our own conclusions from our experiences."

On Economics and Industry - It is interesting to look at the fundamental truths on how value get generated and distributed. But it calls for a different write up all together

That quote investigation is definitely not mediocre. That puts snopes to shame. Now of course snopes feels mediocre. Sorry snopes, I didn't mean it.

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