I picked up Vue a couple of weeks ago for a small dashboard project where client-side makes total sense: consuming JSON from HTTP APIs. I'd previously played with Ember (good, but not using Ember Data feels punishing), looked at Riot (neat, but very small community), and of course React.
I'd dabbled with React before, but there's a huge gap between 'dabbling' and 'building something reasonably production-worthy'. Webpack (and its contemporaries) are neither accessible nor straightforward to modify, and create-react-app[1] is still maturing.
Vue's fantastic documentation[3], ready-made project templates[2], well-sized community, sane-looking 2.0 API changes, and lifecycle methods that are similar to React (but a little less verbose) were all pluses for me. Making HTTP calls, populating a simple central store and passing that down to components was easy, and for a less-often-a-frontend-dev like me, writing Handlebars templates with helpers for looping, binding form inputs to state (v-model), and adding classes to CSS based on helper methods (e.g. :readonly="isReadOnly(key)") was easy to pick up.
I can see the advantages of React's JSX approach (limiting template-logic, as templates don't exist), although Vue 2.0 will have JSX support as well.
Like with most tools, your decision is part-requirements and part-subjective ("I'm familiar with X, Y & Z approaches"), but Vue made sense and I'd definitely build something else with it again. That Evan has such a huge amount of support on Patreon[5] is impressive as well.
I hope Dan Abramov can keep create-react-app focused: there are an incredible amount of feature-requests, and if create-react-app grows flags to accomodate even half of them, it'll be a monster. Thus far the dam seems to be holding!
I'd dabbled with React before, but there's a huge gap between 'dabbling' and 'building something reasonably production-worthy'. Webpack (and its contemporaries) are neither accessible nor straightforward to modify, and create-react-app[1] is still maturing.
Vue's fantastic documentation[3], ready-made project templates[2], well-sized community, sane-looking 2.0 API changes, and lifecycle methods that are similar to React (but a little less verbose) were all pluses for me. Making HTTP calls, populating a simple central store and passing that down to components was easy, and for a less-often-a-frontend-dev like me, writing Handlebars templates with helpers for looping, binding form inputs to state (v-model), and adding classes to CSS based on helper methods (e.g. :readonly="isReadOnly(key)") was easy to pick up.
I can see the advantages of React's JSX approach (limiting template-logic, as templates don't exist), although Vue 2.0 will have JSX support as well.
Like with most tools, your decision is part-requirements and part-subjective ("I'm familiar with X, Y & Z approaches"), but Vue made sense and I'd definitely build something else with it again. That Evan has such a huge amount of support on Patreon[5] is impressive as well.
I hope Dan Abramov can keep create-react-app focused: there are an incredible amount of feature-requests, and if create-react-app grows flags to accomodate even half of them, it'll be a monster. Thus far the dam seems to be holding!
[1]: https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app [2]: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli [3]: https://vuejs.org/guide/reactivity.html [4]: https://vuejs.org/guide/application.html#Single-File-Compone... [5]: https://www.patreon.com/evanyou