Love Stern, listen to him almost every day. I also generally don't care for celebrities, but when he interviews them I do care. It's the most real you'll ever see them.
Any specific interview you recommend? The few I tried listening to were not worth finishing... simply un-interesting. I'd like to hear one or two of the memorable ones that his fans really enjoyed.
This is not a new one, but dives into a world most aren't familiar with, that of the independent cartoonist. This particular interview is with the creator of Ren and Stimpy, and his antagonist, the voice of Stimpy, who had a major falling out:
Just watched all of that, thanks for posting. As an old (young?) Ren & Stimpy fan, I had no idea of the backstory. Also, even though Howard Stern's dad weighed in, I'm not sure who I side with. I can honestly see both sides to the argument and that's... unsettling.
The Howard Stern show because of its longevity has had many great moments so its hard to choose. But I really liked the John Oliver interview
It is the situation though: Did I like the interview- because Stern is a great interviewer /or/ because I like john oliver? I am not sure
It's been a while since I last listened to the show, but thinking back, some of my favorite guests were:
Bill Murray, Jerry Seinfeld, Jeff Bridges, Martha Stewart, Alec Baldwin, Conan O'Brien, Quentin Tarantino, Brad Garrett, Jesse Ventura, Howie Mandel, Norm MacDonald, Tom Arnold, Steven Adler and Chip Z'nuff.