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Current file on master to boot. But what makecheck is saying is that only what's in current master matters, not what's in `feature/something-here` or in a commit tree from last year. So shoving it in the repo isn't really a good solution.

Having the templates in the repo at least gives you a degree of portability.

I'm guessing there isn't an "export issues" feature so the above point is moot.

I favour the portability.

Sure you can export issues from Github, easily.


It's the same way with README, CONTRIBUTING, LICENSE, Makefile, package.json, and anything else.

No it's not. I can use the README outside of github as a guide on how to do things with the code. Contributing can define a style guide so we're all on the same page code wise. LICENSE for distribution, Makefile, package.json both are required for the code to work correctly... issue_template.md is only useful in a repo on github.

With Rust, we already had a mini-template inside of our CONTRIBUTING.md. Doesn't seem very different to me.

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