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Theres also http://elasticlunr.com/, I'm not sure what algorithm it uses, but the site says "Elasticlunr.js use quite the same scoring mechanism as Elasticsearch, and also this scoring mechanism is used by lucene.", so maybe? I can't say I know that much about this topic...

I actually just used that library in creating a search for the docs site where I work and I have to say it works really well, it's a fully static site (hosted on github pages) and all the search is done in the browser based on an json "index" file that I generate along side the rest of the site. http://docs.exosite.com/

I'm fairly sure elastic lunr is a fork of lunr, I still seem to have the most commits even! [1]

I'll have to take a look and see what @weixsong added, perhaps there are some changes that I can merge upstream.

[1] https://github.com/weixsong/elasticlunr.js/graphs/contributo...

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