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I don't know about the post you're reading but the GP doesn't talk about fitting in or following norms. Living with people is an important part of the human experience. Sure, it is less important for some and more so for others but necessary nonetheless.

>> We need more people who have gone sideways, more recluses, more geniuses, more people who do not fit in and do things their own way. Otherwise what's the point?

What is the point of what. Different people want different things from life.

>> I understand that this may sound alien or maybe crazy to people who have grown up in western societies and therefore been indoctrinated to an extreme degree to seek the approval of others and so on, but that's all there is to it really, social conditioning.

I come from an 'Eastern' society and living well with others is as fundamental to my society as it appears to be in the west. Not everyone wants to live their life in solitude to be remembered in eternity. Calling it 'indoctrination' is generalizing what is essentially your opinion to a serious degree.

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