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Stories from July 14, 2024
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31. Roblox Open Sources Real-Time Voice Safety Model (roblox.com)
148 points by janos95 73 days ago | 34 comments
32. ULID: Like UUID but Sortable (2019) (github.com/ulid)
107 points by fagnerbrack 68 days ago | 57 comments
33. Z80 CPU Microprocessor Instant Reference Card (1981) [pdf] (ballyalley.com)
92 points by hggh 67 days ago | 19 comments
34. YouTube lets you request removal of AI content that simulates your face or voice (techcrunch.com)
95 points by gmays 68 days ago | 50 comments
35. Compact Fenwick trees for dynamic ranking and selection (2019) (arxiv.org)
39 points by luu 67 days ago | 5 comments
36. Show HN: Procedural Art –– 'Pulse' (soham-saha.github.io)
62 points by omegacombinator 67 days ago | 14 comments
37. Bio – Experimental Lisp dialect, written in Zig (github.com/cryptocode)
90 points by montyanderson 68 days ago | 34 comments
38. A.I. Needs Copper. It Just Helped to Find Millions of Tons of It in Zambia. (nytimes.com)
90 points by bookofjoe 67 days ago | 55 comments
39. How to organize large Rust codebases (kerkour.com)
48 points by speckx 71 days ago | 40 comments
40. Solving Path of Exile Item Crafting with Reinforcement Learning (dennybritz.com)
87 points by dennybritz 68 days ago | 19 comments
41. Go range iterators demystified (dolthub.com)
68 points by thunderbong 67 days ago | 66 comments
42. Just Be Rich (2021) (keenen.xyz)
226 points by scarmoo 67 days ago | 300 comments
43. A hydrogen-powered air taxi flew 523 miles emitting only water vapor (popsci.com)
72 points by geox 68 days ago | 87 comments
44. Don’t try to sanitize input, escape output (2020) (benhoyt.com)
68 points by benhoyt 71 days ago | 79 comments
45. Ask HN: Why are PWA user install stats so hard to find?
43 points by chr15m 67 days ago | 51 comments
46. Samsung declares different TBW for same SSD model on different markets
66 points by the4anoni 67 days ago | 22 comments
47. Show HN: I generated 70k audiobooks with OpenAI Text-to-Speech (listenly.io)
140 points by evan_ry 67 days ago | 109 comments
48. Time, partitioning, and synchronization (alexahn.com)
12 points by alexahn 71 days ago
49. A prank cursor resulted in an employee being fired before they started (2020) (microsoft.com)
64 points by scarmoo 67 days ago | 19 comments
50. OpenAI whistleblowers ask SEC to investigate alleged restrictive NDAs (reuters.com)
80 points by JumpCrisscross 67 days ago | 16 comments
51. Working with stacked branches in Git is easier with –update-refs (2022) (andrewlock.net)
65 points by canpolat 67 days ago | 15 comments
52. California Grid Breezes Through Heatwave with Batteries (thinc.blog)
111 points by ChuckMcM 67 days ago | 115 comments
53. Wikimedia Gitlab Migration Status (mediawiki.org)
44 points by altilunium 67 days ago | 30 comments
54. Ask HN: Who's been hired through Hacker News?
139 points by snow_mac 71 days ago | 144 comments
55. The Experience of Deploying Next.js Apps on Cloudflare (davidgomes.com)
46 points by davidgomes 67 days ago | 24 comments
56. Book Review: The Family That Couldn't Sleep (astralcodexten.com)
32 points by Michelangelo11 67 days ago | 1 comment
57. HIV breakthrough: Trial shows drug provides 100% protection (universityworldnews.com)
86 points by ulrischa 67 days ago | 49 comments
58. Leaked payroll data show how much Valve pays staff and how few people it employs (theverge.com)
99 points by bookofjoe 67 days ago | 92 comments
59. AT&T Paid a Hacker $370k to Delete Stolen Phone Records (wired.com)
49 points by thunderbong 67 days ago | 23 comments
60. The Lazy Bureaucrat Scheduling Problem (tricitypsychology.com)
13 points by yamrzou 67 days ago | 5 comments

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