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Stories from August 18, 2023
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1. Short session expiration does not help security (sjoerdlangkemper.nl)
696 points by ColinWright on Aug 18, 2023 | 419 comments
2. Ask vs. Guess Culture (jeanhsu.substack.com)
946 points by kiyanwang on Aug 18, 2023 | 479 comments
3. Mister Rogers had a point – routinely greeting six neighbors maximizes wellbeing (gallup.com)
505 points by RickJWagner on Aug 18, 2023 | 319 comments
4. StarLite 12.5-inch Linux tablet (starlabs.systems)
629 points by focusedone on Aug 17, 2023 | 332 comments
5. Textual: Rapid Application Development framework for Python (github.com/textualize)
291 points by generichuman on Aug 18, 2023 | 99 comments
6. Show HN: Poozle – open-source Plaid for LLMs (github.com/poozlehq)
132 points by harshithmul on Aug 18, 2023 | 39 comments
7. Railway Oriented Programming (fsharpforfunandprofit.com)
332 points by jchook on Aug 18, 2023 | 166 comments
8. micro – A Modern Alternative to nano (micro-editor.github.io)
383 points by theycallhermax on Aug 18, 2023 | 324 comments
9. TypeScript is surprisingly ok for compilers (matklad.github.io)
300 points by Fudgel on Aug 18, 2023 | 231 comments
10. Complexity theory’s 50-year journey to the limits of knowledge (quantamagazine.org)
206 points by nsoonhui on Aug 18, 2023 | 114 comments
11. GIL removal and the Faster CPython project (lwn.net)
339 points by signa11 on Aug 18, 2023 | 156 comments
12. 2009scape (2009scape.org)
257 points by OsrsNeedsf2P on Aug 18, 2023 | 117 comments
13. Sargablock: Bricks from Seaweed (fortomorrow.org)
168 points by thunderbong on Aug 18, 2023 | 63 comments
14. FP-Go: Functional programming library for Golang (github.com/ibm)
223 points by arpanetus on Aug 18, 2023 | 172 comments
15. The FBI proves again it can’t be trusted with Section 702 (eff.org)
347 points by freedomben on Aug 18, 2023 | 131 comments
16. A new instrument found unusual success (theguardian.com)
160 points by Turukawa on Aug 16, 2023 | 108 comments
17. Windows 11 will happily execute a binary compiled 30 years ago (twitter.com/mikko)
318 points by mikkohypponen on Aug 18, 2023 | 408 comments
18. λ Calculus (2013) [pdf] (rpi.edu)
178 points by behnamoh on Aug 16, 2023 | 69 comments
19. China’s property giant Evergrande files for bankruptcy protection in Manhattan (cnbc.com)
334 points by donsupreme on Aug 18, 2023 | 382 comments
20. The aging brain: is misplaced DNA to blame? (science.org)
119 points by nabla9 on Aug 17, 2023 | 23 comments
21. Zaum (wikipedia.org)
160 points by areoform on Aug 18, 2023 | 46 comments
22. Meaningful exits for founders (2016) (medium.com/strong-words)
132 points by freediver on Aug 18, 2023 | 87 comments
23. An underwater landslide knocked out two critical submarine cables serving Africa (kentik.com)
118 points by dtjb on Aug 17, 2023 | 35 comments
24. Learning async Rust with entirely too many web servers (ibraheem.ca)
249 points by lukastyrychtr on Aug 18, 2023 | 38 comments
25. Pines’ demon observed as a 3D acoustic plasmon in Sr2RuO4 (nature.com)
59 points by falsandtru on Aug 18, 2023 | 11 comments
26. Pg_later: Asynchronous Queries for Postgres (tembo.io)
187 points by revskill on Aug 18, 2023 | 37 comments
27. Career advice for young system programmers (glaubercosta-11125.medium.com)
194 points by signa11 on Aug 18, 2023 | 159 comments
28. FreeBSD Bhyve Virtualization (vermaden.wordpress.com)
143 points by vermaden on Aug 18, 2023 | 29 comments
29. Emulating the 6502 CPU in C++ (2021) [video] (youtube.com)
61 points by mariuz on Aug 18, 2023 | 14 comments
30. The Plumber Problem (hypercritical.co)
144 points by zdw on Aug 18, 2023 | 249 comments

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