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Stories from August 5, 2023
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31. Mortality patterns for patients hospitalized during cardiology meetings (2016) (nih.gov)
114 points by impish9208 11 months ago | 65 comments
32. GitHub Actions and vanity metrics (jamesconroyfinn.com)
133 points by j13n 11 months ago | 34 comments
33. Will browsers be required by law to stop you from visiting infringing sites? (techdirt.com)
225 points by rntn 11 months ago | 156 comments
34. The gamification of reading is changing how we approach books (shondaland.com)
102 points by oidar 11 months ago | 61 comments
35. Archive.today: on the trail of mysterious guerrilla archivists of the Internet (gyrovague.com)
164 points by resolutebat 11 months ago | 62 comments
36. He dropped out to become a poet – now he’s won a Fields Medal (2022) (quantamagazine.org)
142 points by hyperthesis 11 months ago | 75 comments
37. Checking in on troubles with dark matter (tritonstation.com)
58 points by xqcgrek2 11 months ago | 37 comments
38. CEOs’ pay climbed before layoffs at tech giants like Alphabet and Microsoft (southernillinoisnow.com)
249 points by pg_1234 11 months ago | 326 comments
39. Decoding base16 sequences quickly (lemire.me)
49 points by greghn 11 months ago | 13 comments
40. The Dome: A simple violation of determinism in Newtonian mechanics (2005) (pitt.edu)
117 points by chmaynard 11 months ago | 119 comments
41. A close look at the 8086 processor's bus hold circuitry (righto.com)
61 points by Tomte 11 months ago | 14 comments
42. They didn’t ask to go viral (wired.com)
212 points by DocFeind 11 months ago | 215 comments
43. [dupe] Cargo Cult AI (acm.org)
174 points by andsoitis 11 months ago | 208 comments
44. Use of HD and DD drives, diskettes (2011) (retrotechnology.com)
42 points by brudgers 11 months ago | 2 comments
45. Espresso coffee mitigates the aggregation of Alzheimer′s associated tau protein (acs.org)
145 points by bookofjoe 11 months ago | 107 comments
46. Vim's Creator Bram Moolenaar Dies at Age 62 – Slashdot (slashdot.org)
269 points by pg_1234 11 months ago | 9 comments
47. A short ballad dedicated to the growth of programs (1986) (ashwinram.org)
24 points by sph 11 months ago | 4 comments
48. Kawa: The Event Processor for the Grug Brained Developer (runreveal.com)
35 points by ejcx 11 months ago | 18 comments
49. The power of achieving flow state in DevEx (hackernoon.com)
47 points by taubek 11 months ago | 22 comments
50. Disney discontinues DVD and Bluray production in Australia (whathifi.com)
131 points by AndrewDucker 11 months ago | 182 comments
51. Randall Couch's 'Peal' and other literary bells (blogs.bl.uk)
13 points by tintinnabula 11 months ago
52. A supercapacitor made from cement (ieee.org)
89 points by rbanffy 11 months ago | 50 comments
53. The persistence of prog rock (2017) (newyorker.com)
74 points by Kaibeezy 11 months ago | 54 comments
54. Science Fiction vs. Science Fantasy (warfantasy.wordpress.com)
87 points by aldarion 11 months ago | 173 comments
55. The Earthsea Trilogy (2003) (dannyreviews.com)
83 points by Tomte 11 months ago | 86 comments
56. Beavers are helping restore wetlands and create buffers against wildfires (usf.edu)
85 points by DoreenMichele 11 months ago | 27 comments
57. The Maze and the Labyrinth (neckar.substack.com)
36 points by jger15 11 months ago | 4 comments
58. [dupe] First video of LK-99 Full Levitation, a.k.a. flux-pinning (twitter.com/andercot)
109 points by the_decider 11 months ago | 2 comments
59. The Myth of AI Omniscience: AI's Epistemological Limits (cpwalker.substack.com)
83 points by cpwalker 11 months ago | 102 comments
60. Carbon–cement supercapacitors as a scalable bulk energy storage solution (pnas.org)
58 points by joak 11 months ago | 1 comment

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