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Stories from July 29, 2023
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31. Alcohol without the hangover – scientists are finding ways (wsj.com)
140 points by meany 11 months ago | 285 comments
32. Ingest OpenTelemetry metrics with Prometheus natively (last9.io)
90 points by donutshop 11 months ago | 32 comments
33. The world’s largest wind turbine has been switched on (iflscience.com)
155 points by thunderbong 11 months ago | 172 comments
34. Big Tobacco knew radioactive Po210 in cigarettes posed cancer risk, kept quiet (uclahealth.org)
296 points by hammock 11 months ago | 277 comments
35. Ask HN: Online activities to be made impossible by the UK Online Safety Bill
195 points by b800h 11 months ago | 105 comments
36. Hugging Face, GitHub and more unite to defend open source in EU AI legislation (venturebeat.com)
174 points by thunderbong 11 months ago | 161 comments
37. Bpfilter is forever (dxuuu.xyz)
63 points by signa11 11 months ago | 5 comments
38. SQLite-Utils (datasette.io)
142 points by dedalus 11 months ago | 17 comments
39. Real-time monitoring of aerosols generated from toilet flushing (microbiologyresearch.org)
90 points by thunderbong 11 months ago | 56 comments
40. The Resilience of Costco (2018) (minesafetydisclosures.com)
138 points by awiesenhofer 11 months ago | 160 comments
41. Bead Patterns (buegelperlenvorlagen.ch)
57 points by portobello 11 months ago | 4 comments
42. Pulled from a Field in Albania, a 2,500-Year-Old Statuette Comes to Getty (getty.edu)
45 points by drdee 11 months ago | 22 comments
43. 1953 'Phantom' A-bomb film 'Hiroshima,' with 88,000 extras, screening in Tokyo (mainichi.jp)
151 points by pologreen 11 months ago | 117 comments
44. Iridis Alpha Theory: The Making of a C64 Classic (iridisalpha.com)
47 points by mwenge 11 months ago | 7 comments
45. US Spies Are Lobbying Congress to Save a Phone Surveillance ‘Loophole’ (wired.com)
167 points by jbotdev 11 months ago | 101 comments
46. The dream of the personal machine (kylechayka.substack.com)
60 points by Hooke 11 months ago | 12 comments
47. New Word Order (monkeon.co.uk)
55 points by the-archivist 11 months ago | 11 comments
48. Show HN: ssh-tpm-agent – SSH agent for TPMs (github.com/foxboron)
86 points by Foxboron 11 months ago | 38 comments
49. Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review (2013) (nih.gov)
65 points by mutant_glofish 11 months ago | 22 comments
50. Counting License Plates (alexmolas.com)
39 points by alexmolas 11 months ago | 20 comments
51. Automatic music playlist generation via simulation-based reinforcement learning (atspotify.com)
55 points by saeedesmaili 11 months ago | 41 comments
52. Counterterrorism internet surveillance is being retargeted at sex workers (theintercept.com)
154 points by mathandstuff 11 months ago | 54 comments
53. Larne Craigyhill bonfire: 17000 pallets (2021) (belfastlive.co.uk)
23 points by daverol 11 months ago | 55 comments
54. HuggingFace Text Generation License No Longer Open-Source (github.com/huggingface)
84 points by bratao 11 months ago | 55 comments
55. Mess with DNS (messwithdns.net)
120 points by KolmogorovComp 11 months ago | 5 comments
56. The Wrath of Goodreads (theatlantic.com)
68 points by fortran77 11 months ago | 89 comments
57. Invisible asymptotes (2018) (eugenewei.com)
21 points by vikrum 11 months ago | 12 comments
58. Pentagon hit by ‘critical compromise’ of US Air Force communications – report (theguardian.com)
93 points by penda 11 months ago | 51 comments
59. Show HN: LLMFlows – LangChain alternative for explicit and transparent apps (github.com/stoyan-stoyanov)
49 points by spstoyanov 11 months ago | 22 comments
60. System Design for Recommendations and Search (eugeneyan.com)
63 points by Anon84 11 months ago | 2 comments

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