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Stories from January 2, 2023
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1. Why Not Mars (idlewords.com)
815 points by maxerickson on Jan 2, 2023 | 1069 comments
2. Conversation skills essentials (tynan.com)
685 points by lylejantzi3rd on Jan 1, 2023 | 288 comments
3. Petals: Run 100B+ language models at home bit-torrent style (github.com/bigscience-workshop)
594 points by antman on Jan 2, 2023 | 155 comments
4. The strangest computer manual ever written (ironicsans.substack.com)
422 points by rkuykendall-com on Jan 2, 2023 | 109 comments
5. Megaface (exposing.ai)
288 points by gennarro on Jan 2, 2023 | 104 comments
6. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (January 2023)
456 points by whoishiring on Jan 2, 2023 | 526 comments
7. Databases in 2022: A Year in Review (ottertune.com)
365 points by gavinray on Jan 2, 2023 | 150 comments
8. How many layers of UI inconsistencies are in Windows 11? (ntdotdev.wordpress.com)
574 points by serhack_ on Jan 2, 2023 | 410 comments
9. Airbnb removed my negative review
752 points by luminaobscura on Jan 2, 2023 | 456 comments
10. Games people play with cash flow (commoncog.com)
355 points by simonebrunozzi on Dec 30, 2022 | 128 comments
11. Ask HN: Pros and cons of thinking in public vs. in private?
243 points by samh748 on Jan 2, 2023 | 168 comments
12. German Bundestag Passes Whistleblower Protection Act (bakertilly.de)
220 points by donutloop on Jan 1, 2023 | 35 comments
13. AIOC: Ham Radio All-in-One-Cable (github.com/skuep)
275 points by zdw on Jan 2, 2023 | 93 comments
14. A secret message in a Colombian song gave hostages hope (bbc.com)
161 points by elijahparker on Jan 1, 2023 | 43 comments
15. Ask HN: What are you working on this year?
220 points by david927 on Jan 2, 2023 | 503 comments
16. Musicians wage war against evil robots (2012) (smithsonianmag.com)
120 points by scifibestfi on Jan 2, 2023 | 167 comments
17. Automatic snow tires throw chains at your wheels [video] (youtube.com)
166 points by wlj on Jan 2, 2023 | 126 comments
18. English as She Is Spoke (1884) [pdf] (exclassics.com)
165 points by lelf on Jan 2, 2023 | 136 comments
19. Remaking old computer graphics with AI image generation (jalammar.github.io)
181 points by jerryjerryjerry on Jan 1, 2023 | 73 comments
20. The year of C++ successor languages (accu.org)
176 points by nikbackm on Jan 2, 2023 | 268 comments
21. Functional Programming – How and Why (onsclom.bearblog.dev)
177 points by onsclom on Jan 2, 2023 | 247 comments
22. What’s Left in the Apple Silicon Transition (512pixels.net)
203 points by ingve on Dec 30, 2022 | 257 comments
23. Ask HN: Why isn't JSON-RPC more widely adopted?
151 points by vyrotek on Jan 1, 2023 | 188 comments
24. Tallow in plastics – why? (2016) (impact-solutions.co.uk)
92 points by mvac on Jan 2, 2023 | 86 comments
25. Building a Frankenstein 64 (celso.io)
132 points by celso on Jan 1, 2023 | 19 comments
26. Orrery (Earth, Moon, and Sun) (instructables.com)
96 points by pmontra on Jan 2, 2023 | 13 comments
27. Langoguessr (langoguessr.com)
92 points by _gfwu on Jan 1, 2023 | 60 comments
28. Blog series on building an air sensor with Arduino (airdeets.com)
86 points by groundcoffee on Jan 2, 2023 | 21 comments
29. Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (January 2023)
189 points by whoishiring on Jan 2, 2023 | 395 comments
30. C++ at the End of 2022 (cppstories.com)
114 points by signa11 on Jan 2, 2023 | 210 comments

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