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Stories from February 21, 2022
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31. The next best thing to OLED is getting cheaper (arstechnica.com)
125 points by rbanffy on Feb 18, 2022 | 161 comments
32. Data races in Python, despite the Global Interpreter Lock (verdagon.dev)
85 points by verdagon on Feb 21, 2022 | 70 comments
33. Nacirema (wikipedia.org)
140 points by polm23 on Feb 21, 2022 | 44 comments
34. DYMO's new label printer uses RFID tags to prevent the use of non-OEM paper (appleinsider.com)
159 points by ortusdux on Feb 21, 2022 | 66 comments
35. Final Fantasy 7: An oral history (2017) (polygon.com)
122 points by rcarmo on Feb 19, 2022 | 69 comments
36. Vim 9 will be dedicated to Sven Guckes (groups.google.com)
363 points by rffn on Feb 21, 2022 | 91 comments
37. The new FreeDOS 1.3 is now available for download (sourceforge.net)
153 points by CTOSian on Feb 21, 2022 | 84 comments
38. A “hot Jupiter's” dark side is revealed in detail for first time (news.mit.edu)
63 points by WalterSobchak on Feb 21, 2022 | 12 comments
39. Ask HN: How to track flying objects?
96 points by devlop on Feb 21, 2022 | 63 comments
40. Apple’s Mistake (2009) (paulgraham.com)
177 points by keleftheriou on Feb 21, 2022 | 262 comments
41. Scientific integrity in a climate of perverse incentives and competition (2017) (nih.gov)
100 points by zoid on Feb 21, 2022 | 18 comments
42. SimCity, Cellular Automata, and Happy Tool for HyperLook (Nee HyperNeWS) (2018) (donhopkins.medium.com)
77 points by arethuza on Feb 21, 2022 | 4 comments
43. Kubernetes Documentary: A Critical Review (cloudcritical.org)
117 points by riccardomc on Feb 21, 2022 | 122 comments
44. How to figure out the size of the moon yourself (profmattstrassler.com)
86 points by cwillu on Feb 19, 2022 | 31 comments
45. Humble Decomposition (tonsky.me)
44 points by jgrodziski on Feb 18, 2022 | 11 comments
46. How I think when I think about programming (alicemaz.com)
65 points by _Microft on Feb 19, 2022 | 23 comments
47. Twist: MIT’s Quantum Programming Language (ieee.org)
88 points by georgehill on Feb 19, 2022 | 18 comments
48. Atlassian co-founder wants to buy Australia’s biggest polluter to make it green (wsj.com)
136 points by caaqil on Feb 21, 2022 | 75 comments
49. Frank Lloyd Wright and the “textile block” construction system (1992) (domusweb.it)
42 points by benbreen on Feb 21, 2022 | 37 comments
50. New study disavows marshmallow test’s predictive powers (ucla.edu)
109 points by npalli on Feb 21, 2022 | 60 comments
51. The Packrat Parsing and Parsing Expression Grammars Page (bford.info)
47 points by gjvc on Feb 19, 2022 | 41 comments
52. A Vicious Cycle: The Dangerous Dehumanisation of Cyclists (monash.edu)
117 points by pharmakom on Feb 21, 2022 | 265 comments
53. Google could have updated the Pixel 3 until Android 13, it just didn't want to (androidpolice.com)
173 points by sorenjan on Feb 21, 2022 | 137 comments
54. Putin orders Russian peacekeepers to eastern Ukraine's two breakaway regions (reuters.com)
221 points by karencarits on Feb 21, 2022 | 315 comments
55. Facebook/Meta asks: “Wouldn't it be nice to die?” (defector.com)
184 points by prawn on Feb 20, 2022 | 172 comments
56. Open-access publishing fees deter researchers in the global south (nature.com)
58 points by bluish29 on Feb 19, 2022 | 34 comments
57. KTLA Channel 5, Los Angeles’ original television station (latimes.com)
45 points by robbiet480 on Feb 19, 2022 | 13 comments
58. Why I Like Java (2014) (plover.com)
93 points by lycopodiopsida on Feb 19, 2022 | 146 comments
59. Ask HN: How do I develop skills to comfort people and offer compassion?
104 points by navalsaini on Feb 21, 2022 | 87 comments
60. Symplectic Geometry in 2D – Points, Lines, Circles (researchgate.net)
51 points by fango on Feb 21, 2022 | 16 comments

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