1. | | Three ex-US intelligence officers admit hacking for UAE (justice.gov) |
743 points by andrewnicolalde on Sept 15, 2021 | 237 comments
2. | | Apple blocked the FlickType Watch keyboard then announced a clone of it (inputmag.com) |
1003 points by kilotaras on Sept 15, 2021 | 291 comments
3. | | Prefer the British Style of Quotation Mark Punctuation over the American (erichgrunewald.com) |
612 points by erwald on Sept 15, 2021 | 386 comments
4. | | Show HN: Time travel debugger for web development (replay.io) |
681 points by jasonlaster11 on Sept 15, 2021 | 216 comments
5. | | Username ending with MIME type format is not allowed (gitlab.com/gitlab-org) |
396 points by croes on Sept 15, 2021 | 277 comments
6. | | Anonymous Hacks Epik (epikfail.win) |
413 points by cbtacy on Sept 14, 2021 | 249 comments
7. | | Turing Oversold? (idsia.ch) |
354 points by anielsen on Sept 14, 2021 | 303 comments
8. | | The first webcam was invented to keep an eye on a coffee pot (openculture.com) |
295 points by elorant on Sept 15, 2021 | 119 comments
9. | | How much faster is Java 17? (optaplanner.org) |
340 points by vips7L on Sept 15, 2021 | 247 comments
10. | | "Secret" Agent Exposes Azure Customers to Unauthorized Code Execution (wiz.io) |
296 points by craigkerstiens on Sept 14, 2021 | 107 comments
11. | | Why Authorization Is Hard (osohq.com) |
303 points by samjs on Sept 15, 2021 | 49 comments
12. | | Nikon's 2021 Photomicrography Competition Winners (nikonsmallworld.com) |
170 points by WaitWaitWha on Sept 15, 2021 | 33 comments
13. | | Lunar Crater Radio Telescope on the Far-Side of the Moon (2020) (nasa.gov) |
192 points by rbanffy on Sept 13, 2021 | 101 comments
14. | | Remembering When Only Barbarians Drank Milk (2018) (atlasobscura.com) |
137 points by miduil on Sept 14, 2021 | 105 comments
15. | | Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS (joshwcomeau.com) |
398 points by nomdep on Sept 15, 2021 | 63 comments
16. | | FreeBSD SSH Hardening (gist.github.com) |
164 points by rodrigo975 on Sept 15, 2021 | 116 comments
17. | | A Tour of the Oil Language (oilshell.org) |
159 points by dmart on Sept 15, 2021 | 42 comments
18. | | GM tells some Bolt owners to park 50 feet away from other cars (autonews.com) |
299 points by rsj_hn on Sept 15, 2021 | 415 comments
19. | | HTTP Status 418 – I'm a teapot (developer.mozilla.org) |
193 points by evo_9 on Sept 15, 2021 | 107 comments
20. | | Futarchy: Robin Hanson on prediction markets (richardhanania.substack.com) |
150 points by jcarterwil on Sept 15, 2021 | 193 comments
21. | | Facebook under fire over secret teen research (bbc.co.uk) |
274 points by ColinWright on Sept 15, 2021 | 217 comments
22. | | Show HN: Paper to HTML Converter (papertohtml.org) |
153 points by codeviking on Sept 15, 2021 | 58 comments
23. | | Thoughts.page: hosting a small webpage for your thoughts (thoughts.page) |
135 points by eversowhatev on Sept 13, 2021 | 106 comments
24. | | Seq – A programming language for computational genomics and bioinformatics (github.com/seq-lang) |
116 points by tdido on Sept 15, 2021 | 59 comments
25. | | Michelin's airless tires are scheduled for market launch in 2024 (interestingengineering.com) |
230 points by mardiyah on Sept 15, 2021 | 189 comments
26. | | OpenBSD's Pledge and Unveil from Python (nullprogram.com) |
142 points by todsacerdoti on Sept 15, 2021 | 40 comments
27. | | Steve Jobs: Let's force Amazon to use our payment system (2010) (twitter.com/techemails) |
395 points by ece on Sept 15, 2021 | 255 comments
28. | | Microsoft Azure silently install management agents with vulns on your Linux VMs (twitter.com/gossithedog) |
299 points by sidcool on Sept 15, 2021 | 69 comments
29. | | EU Funding for Developer Tools for the Decentralized Web (httptoolkit.tech) |
259 points by pimterry on Sept 15, 2021 | 106 comments
30. | | List Homomorphisms and Parallelism (sigkill.dk) |
83 points by sidcool on Sept 14, 2021 | 19 comments
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