1. | | US companies hit by 'colossal' cyber-attack (bbc.com) |
611 points by sedeki on July 3, 2021 | 486 comments
2. | | I do not agree with Github's use of copyrighted code as training for Copilot (thelig.ht) |
848 points by janvdberg on July 3, 2021 | 516 comments
3. | | The Untold Story of SQLite (corecursive.com) |
548 points by signa11 on July 3, 2021 | 95 comments
4. | | Steve Jobs in Kyoto (nhk.or.jp) |
418 points by DanielleMolloy on July 1, 2021 | 142 comments
5. | | What did ancient languages sound like? (antigonejournal.com) |
197 points by mewithoutyou on July 3, 2021 | 149 comments
6. | | Wav2vec Overview: Semi and Unsupervised Speech Recognition (vaclavkosar.com) |
162 points by vackosar on July 3, 2021 | 22 comments
7. | | Things I wish Git had: Commit groups (blog.danieljanus.pl) |
289 points by nathell on July 3, 2021 | 193 comments
8. | | Suppose I wanted to kill a lot of pilots (historyofyesterday.com) |
374 points by stanrivers on July 3, 2021 | 169 comments
9. | | How to add eBPF observability to your product (brendangregg.com) |
201 points by mrry on July 3, 2021 | 31 comments
10. | | Using sqlite3 as a notekeeping document graph (epilys.github.io) |
303 points by harporoeder on July 1, 2021 | 41 comments
11. | | Apple and Intel first to use TSMC 3nm (electronicsweekly.com) |
262 points by walterbell on July 3, 2021 | 189 comments
12. | | Soldiers watch the US withdrawal from Bagram through the lens of Pokemon Go (stripes.com) |
187 points by lalaland1125 on July 2, 2021 | 159 comments
13. | | Bay Area cities want to end single-family home zoning (sfchronicle.com) |
255 points by g8oz on July 3, 2021 | 344 comments
14. | | What should the CPU usage be of a fully-loaded CPU that has been throttled? (microsoft.com) |
190 points by pathompong on July 3, 2021 | 176 comments
15. | | Research recitation: A first look at rote learning in GitHub Copilot suggestions (docs.github.com) |
184 points by azhenley on July 3, 2021 | 87 comments
16. | | Petite-Vue – 5kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement (github.com/vuejs) |
182 points by sshroot on July 3, 2021 | 75 comments
17. | | Show HN: Atto – BASIC computer that runs in the browser (jamesl.me) |
102 points by James-Livesey on July 3, 2021 | 71 comments
18. | | Learning Squeak (2019) (squeak.org) |
78 points by AlexeyBrin on July 3, 2021 | 26 comments
19. | | How Databases handle 10M devices in high-cardinality benchmarks (questdb.io) |
63 points by elorant on July 3, 2021 | 14 comments
20. | | Rome's Colosseum opens its underground for the first time (cnn.com) |
143 points by riffraff on July 2, 2021 | 85 comments
21. | | Tiny FORTH from scratch in 1 week (bootloader-based Arduino UNO, 2K of RAM) (thanassis.space) |
101 points by ttsiodras on July 3, 2021 | 15 comments
22. | | The ‘flow state’: Where creative work thrives (2019) (bbc.com) |
117 points by danboarder on July 3, 2021 | 50 comments
23. | | Back to the Future with RSS (ncase.me) |
244 points by Zhyl on July 2, 2021 | 101 comments
24. | | Towards richer colors on the Web (darker.ink) |
147 points by asicsp on July 2, 2021 | 75 comments
25. | | Where are we going from here? Software engineering needs formal methods (ntietz.com) |
139 points by ntietz on July 3, 2021 | 131 comments
26. | | How not to break a search engine (sourcegraph.com) |
57 points by akpa1 on July 3, 2021 | 17 comments
27. | | Make Patterns Pop Out of Heatmaps with Seriation (2018) (kruchten.com) |
119 points by ingve on July 3, 2021 | 16 comments
28. | | Distill Hiatus (distill.pub) |
104 points by mkeeter on July 2, 2021 | 12 comments
29. | | Kind Engineering [video] (usenix.org) |
90 points by thejokersthief on July 2, 2021 | 48 comments
30. | | Plotext – Python Plotting on the Terminal (github.com/piccolomo) |
93 points by animal_spirits on July 3, 2021 | 26 comments
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