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Stories from May 30, 2021
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31. Show HN: DarkHN – Dark Mode Mirror for Hacker News (darkhn.herokuapp.com)
110 points by xtrp on May 30, 2021 | 59 comments
32. The Mammoth Pirates (rferl.org)
62 points by kyle_morris_ on May 29, 2021 | 4 comments
33. If you frame it like that (2020) (theamericanscholar.org)
28 points by killittosaveit on May 30, 2021
34. Offload Mental Simulation (shalabh.com)
79 points by zdw on May 30, 2021 | 23 comments
35. Naomi Osaka faces default from Grand Slam for refusing to speak to media (bbc.com)
153 points by e2e4 on May 30, 2021 | 253 comments
36. Cornell and NTT’s Physical Neural Nets Enable Arbitrary Physical System Training (syncedreview.com)
38 points by rch on May 29, 2021 | 6 comments
37. The Remarkable Life of Eugène-François Vidocq, Inventor of Modern Detective Work (allthatsinteresting.com)
59 points by intellaughs on May 30, 2021 | 5 comments
38. A minimalistic Python wrapper to AWS DynamoDB (github.com/dineshsonachalam)
43 points by nsonachalam on May 30, 2021 | 33 comments
39. Our digital pasts weren’t supposed to be weaponized like this (nytimes.com)
169 points by rutenspitz on May 29, 2021 | 155 comments
40. The Shortest Possible Game of Monopoly (2010) (scatter.wordpress.com)
158 points by ksangeelee on May 30, 2021 | 142 comments
41. The pandemic revives interest in a morbid French financial scheme (economist.com)
102 points by tagawa on May 29, 2021 | 93 comments
42. Prime and Fibonacci Numbers in Music (github.com/polydynamical)
43 points by cbracketdash on May 28, 2021 | 13 comments
43. SunBook – Sunlight Readable Netbook (2014) (designscience.info)
68 points by spaniard89277 on May 30, 2021 | 55 comments
44. Algorithmic Thinking: A Problem-Based Introduction (2020) (nostarch.com)
87 points by teleforce on May 30, 2021 | 7 comments
45. Can Electronics made of COTS components work at cryogenic temperatures? (2020) (onelectrontech.com)
31 points by agarttha on May 29, 2021 | 19 comments
46. Show HN: TeXMe – Create self-rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents (github.com/susam)
75 points by susam on May 29, 2021 | 14 comments
47. Show HN: Responsive NextJS Themes for Dashboards, Landing Pages and Blogs (creativedesignsguru.com)
35 points by creativedg on May 30, 2021 | 10 comments
48. On DataFrame datatype in Ruby (2016) (zverok.github.io)
32 points by Tomte on May 29, 2021 | 8 comments
49. Ask HN: Negotiating Salary
177 points by 2bor-2n on May 30, 2021 | 167 comments
50. America’s Forgotten Tea Rooms (eater.com)
59 points by Thevet on May 29, 2021 | 31 comments
51. Typeface Descriptions and Histories (2006) (archive.org)
24 points by susam on May 29, 2021 | 3 comments
52. Molecular biology clues portray SARS-CoV-2 as a lab manipulation of RaTG13 (acs.org)
190 points by Mistletoe on May 30, 2021 | 118 comments
53. Semi-Solid Casting Enables Net Shape Volume Manufacturing (engineering.com)
33 points by baybal2 on May 30, 2021 | 10 comments
54. Stardew Valley: The Board Game – a loving production but a mixed review (arstechnica.com)
46 points by Tomte on May 29, 2021 | 38 comments
55. Show HN: Tubenotes.xyz – Annotate and Loop Videos (tubenotes.xyz)
25 points by db1 on May 30, 2021 | 4 comments
56. Don't take on China alone, says ex-Australia PM Kevin Rudd (bbc.com)
123 points by deepmistry on May 30, 2021 | 170 comments
57. Firesign Theatre’s ‘Dope Humor of the Seventies’ (dangerousminds.net)
27 points by blegh on May 30, 2021 | 12 comments
58. Data isn’t oil, whatever tech commentators tell you: it’s people’s lives (theguardian.com)
80 points by dredmorbius on May 30, 2021 | 24 comments
59. The Madman as Painter (2016) (city-journal.org)
11 points by antismarm on May 30, 2021 | 3 comments
60. An Escalator Made of Cardboard (youtube.com)
52 points by fortran77 on May 30, 2021 | 10 comments

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